“Learn To Fly” has been a hit Summer Song for the Foo Fighters for almost 20 years now … not that their long run has always been easy going, as Anthony Mason can tell us: Under the San Bernardino sun last fall, 30,000 fans came out for an old-school rock festival. If rock ‘n’ roll […]
Lưu trữ thẻ: 영암출장안마
Jeff Glor talks to Herman Koch about, “The Dinner.” Jeff Glor: What inspired you to write the book? Herman Koch: I was inspired by an actual event that happened in Barcelona about seven years ago. Two teenagers did something to a homeless person similar to what I write about in the book. But they seemed […]
So will the musical cast sing? “We can’t talk about what they’re going to do!” Zadan said|Better book them a dressing room|Just added to the list of stars who may need spots? The cast of “Chicago.” Awards show producers Zadan and Neil Meron, who both produced the hit 2002 musical, announced Monday that Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Queen Latifah and Richard Gere will reunite on the stage where “Chicago” won its best picture Oscar 10 years ago|The 85th Academy Awards will be held Feb|”In a night of celebration of the music of the movies, we find it very appropriate,” Meron said|With an unprecedented number of performances, this year’s Oscars could look a little more like the Grammys|More in The Academy Awards
Victims and their relatives burst into tears after learning that Kaing Guek Eav also known as Duch will actually serve only 19 years after being convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity after taking into account time already served and other factors. That means the 67-year-old could one day walk free, a […]
While the prevalence of the disorder is not thought to vary greatly by region, a study being released Monday found that treatment rates ranged from 1.6 percent of children’s prescriptions examined in Washington, D.C., to 6.5 percent of children’s prescriptions in Louisiana. Significantly higher rates were found in the South and Midwest than in the […]
The treaty, four years in the making, envisages total bans or restrictions on advertising and marketing, new labeling controls and a clamp down on smuggling and secondhand smoke. Besides the treaty, the 192-nation health assembly, which opens Monday, will be dominated by the SARS virus and WHO’s efforts to change global health regulations to cope […]
CONAKRY, Guinea — The team of health officials accompanied by journalists came to the village to educate people about how to avoid contracting Ebola. Instead, a group of local residents turned on their would-be benefactors, attacking them with knives and rocks and killing eight of them, witnesses say. Guinea’s government said in a statement Friday […]
The vaccine trials are part of an international partnership among the state-run Indian Council of Medical Research, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative and U.S.-based Targeted Genetics Corp., Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss told reporters in the western city of Pune. “Doctors in Pune have today inoculated the first group of volunteers with the potential vaccine,” Ramadoss […]