Lưu trữ thẻ: 부산출장샵

Part of the reason is that more women are opting for a Caesarean even though they are healthy enough to avoid one

C-sections had dropped in the early 1990s after an outcry that American women were getting too many. But in 1997, they started inching back up again. Last year brought the biggest jump yet, a 7 percent increase that “was certainly a surprise,” said Joyce Martin, co-author of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention birth […]

If the process turns out to work in humans, the scientists hope to use it to treat diseases affecting the blood vessels in the retina

Researchers in La Jolla, Calif., found that stem cells injected into a mouse eye became incorporated into its structure and formed new blood vessels. If the process turns out to work in humans, the scientists hope to use it to treat diseases affecting the blood vessels in the retina. They include diabetic retinopathy and age-related […]

Oh, and my novella class is doing “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” next week, so I should probably get on that one as soon as possible

Jeff Glor talks to Kristopher Jansma about “The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards” Jeff Glor: What inspired you to write the book? Kristopher Jansma: It sort of hit me out of nowhere. I had gone to see “Waiting for Godot” with a friend one weekend, and I had never seen it before. I knew the concept, […]

“A trace on the animal is being done,” Vanclief said

The Bush administration banned all beef imports from Canada on Tuesday, shortly after officials there announced that an 8-year-old cow had been confirmed to have had mad cow disease when it was slaughtered. The disease’s incubation period can be as long as eight years; so it was unclear when the animal was infected. The administration […]

Now we’re going to do what we can, get the best doctors we can find and do the best we can.’ And at the same time celebrate with gratitude a life well lived.”  Earlier Wednesday, McCain’s daughter, Meghan, a co-host of “The View,” grew tearful as she interviewed former Vice President Joe Biden, whose son Beau died from glioblastoma in 2015

Sen. John McCain was admitted Wednesday to Walter Reed Hospital for “normal side effects” of his cancer treatments, his office said in a statement. “As ever, he remains grateful to his physicians for their excellent care, and his friends and supporters for their encouragement and good wishes,” the statement said.  McCain is currently receiving treatment […]