(CBS News) Arsenio Hall may be getting the last laugh. After a break of nearly 20 years, he’s picking up where he left off — on late night television. Lee Cowan has our Sunday Profile about a man who’s been there, done that . . . and is ready to do it again:
As pop culture goes, Bill Clinton blowing the sax is an oldie but a goodie.
While it’s oh-so-’90s, it’s fitting that it took place on the show that embodied ’90s cool: “Arsenio Hall.”
With his flattop haircut, his flashy suits, and his fist pump that pumped up the audience, Arsenio made late night hip. It may have looked like a talk show, but it felt more like a party.
At his peak, he was on the cover of Time and was a contender for the late night crown.
But in 1994, Arsenio gave it all up, leaving it to Leno and Letterman instead.
Why did he walk away back then? “When you have that feeling of ‘There’s something else for me to do, and this is occupying your life 24/7,’ wrong or right, you need to go,” Hall said. “I would sit eating a piece of pizza with Jay and I could see his hair getting gray while I was chewing! You know? And I realized, that’s NBC, that’s late night. That’s the stress.”
He walked away with millions, and found what was missing — a personal life.
In 1999 he had a son, Arsenio Jr.
His world became that of a single parent, and he happily chose fatherhood over fame.
“If I’m supposed to work, if I’m supposed to have opportunities, when the moment in my life dictates that it’s time, if I’m supposed to have it, it’ll come to me,” he said.
That moment came last year, with an invitation from Donald Trump to appear on NBC’s “Celebrity Apprentice.” Arsenio not only accepted, he won.
He was back in America’s living rooms, back on Hollywood’s radar . . . and we found him back on the comedy circuit, too.
“My star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is near McDonald’s,” Hall said at the Ice House Comedy Club in Pasadena, Calif. “That’s kind of embarrassing! That’s almost like you’re not famous! It’s like, ‘I’m a star! Oh, there’s a McNugget on my —-!’ ”
Of his comedy club appearances, 카지노사이트 Hall told Cowan, “When it’s right you want to come back tomorrow. When it’s wrong, you just want to go home and cry!”
If it all sounds like a comeback, it is. Arsenio is back — And he’s bringing the party with him.
Starting next week, Arsenio gets his own late-night show again.
He knows what some folks are thinking: that this is the desperate attempt of a 57-year-old man to recapture his glory days.