That’s about the size of a cellphone

Rumaisa Rahman was born in September weighing only 8.6 ounces. That’s about the size of a cellphone.

313147 4333511 4113292942<strong>37<\/strong> 552155″ style=”max-width:440px;float:right;padding:10px 0px 10px 10px;border:0px;”>She was discharged on Tuesday from Loyola University Medical Center in the Chicago suburb of Maywood. She currently weighs 5.5 pounds and is more than 16 inches long. </p>
<p>A Loyola doctor says Rumaisa’s prognosis is very good and she’s expected to develop normally. </p>
<p>Her fraternal twin sister, Hiba, was discharged on January 9. Hiba was only one pound, four ounces at birth but now weighs in at 8.5 pounds. </p>
<p>The babies’ 23-year-old mother developed pre-eclampsia, a disorder characterized by high blood pressure, during pregnancy. The condition endangered Rumaisa and her mother, prompting a C-section at 26 weeks. Normal gestation is 40 weeks. </p>
<p>The twins were placed on ventilators for a few weeks and fed intravenously for a week or two until nurses could give them breast milk through feeding tubes. They were able to start drinking from bottles after about 10 weeks. </p>
<p>Madeline Mann, the previous record holder as smallest known surviving premature baby, returned to Loyola Hospital last year for a celebration. Now 15, she was described as a lively honor student, though small for her age, at 4 feet and 7 inches.  </p>
<p>According to the hospital, more than 1,700 newborns weighing less than 2 pounds have been cared for there in the past 20 years.  </p>
<p>Stephen Davidow, a hospital spokesman, said a routine delivery costs about $6,000, while caring for a premature baby costs about $5,000 a day. Rumaisa is covered by Medicaid,  <a href=정선출장안마 hospital officials said.

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